Monday, March 12, 2007

A reflection on my purpose for writing

This post is about my purpose for why I write.
I have found, as many have, that writing allows one to help crystalize the ideas that they have. I've spent most of my life, reading, observing, "dreaming", trying to make sense of the deeper meanings of existence. With each new thing I learn, It becomes incorporated into me, somewhere in the back of my mind. Sometimes I have trouble recalling everything and putting it together, synthesizing it. I write in order to force me to put things into words, and again, try crystallizing them into my memory.
I kind of doubt anyone is actually reading these, and, if so, Likely, none of you know who I am. I sort of prefer it that way; sort of how I've always been.
I write, to make more direct meaning of the experiences of my life, perhaps. For now, I'm writing about what I learn from facts and philosophical observations, but, recognizing how everyone has deep conflicts, the resolving or understanding for which, is their purpose for living, perhaps if I find one valuable enough, I will write about it.

Perhaps my life purpose is even to discover that life is simply to be lived. I know that many others live their lives simply living, and their purpose is to ponder the deeper meanings.

Such is life's contradictions. Edison's ideas came from trial and error, and he brings us such quotes as "genius is 95% perspiration, 5% inspiration". Nikola Tesla, on the other hand, could design things in his brain and knew if it would work. Another example, newton saw life as a clock with everything in order and working, with set laws, with contrast to the fluidity of einstein's genious, and his famous love of imagination.

This, the complex nature of the human psyche, the awkwardness with which we move amongst eachother, and amongst our own psyche, must be quite a tale and experience for our souls to know, if all those who write about OBE's and Astral Travel, are indeed not charlatans.

As long as we live in the world we do today, where our earth's resources are being depleted quickly, and have such weapons, as to cause our current state precarious, I shall speculate as to whether we humans can rise above. Capitalism, and corporations, in their own way, are like human conciousness. Highly efficient, corporations depend on constant growth without which they cannot survive in their current state. Unfortunately earth's resources are limited.
Conciousness, as far as we use to learn, and get jobs, in many western societies, has come at the price of the unconcious, our dreams and symbols, and our connection to nature and god, without which, we will perhaps die, for in an existentialist belief there would be no reason to live.
Corporations will die if not sustainably connected to the earth. Humans will die if the conciousness and unconciousness is not united and our collective schizophrenia healed.

I may sound glum, but In fact I am highly optimistic that we will live in society that is harmonious for our minds, and where nature is integrated tightly with society, in fact, my cousin has had recurring dreams of such a society for nearly his entire life.

But, I also believe that our psyches may face a collective "dark night of the soul" before we get to that, and perhaps we should all begin to excersize our free will and fight our remaining demons.
And we need to recognize that there are deeper things than ourselves; yet each is a part of all and is capable of effecting it.

I'l do what I can, and those who believe in the spiritual nature of life as do I, need to connect. "Science" itself remains resoundly atheist although perhaps even a majority of scientists believe in some higher meaning of life.

Peace and truth to each of you

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